Monday, November 19, 2012


*After fajar prayer

Soldier of Allah only half of a saf...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Salah aku

Salah aku
Kerna aku lah Palestin masih lagi lemah
Masih dibedil-bedil oleh sekelompok manusia
Manusia yang tiada apa kuasa pun pada pandangan Allah yg maha agung

Salah aku,
Salah aku,
Salah aku,
Iya, semua ini salahku

Salah aku, 
kerna aku gagal beristiqamah dalam tahajudku
Menangis dalam ketakutanku sujud kepadaMu

Salah aku,
Kerna aku gagal beristiqamah untuk melawan keletihan fajarku
Mengejar tabirratul ula di dalam masjidMu

Salah aku
Salah aku
Salah aku
Iya, semua ini salahku

Salah aku,
Kerna aku gagal memanfaatkan senjata terhebat untuk memerangi musuh ku
Gagal dalam kesungguhan doaku kepadaMu

Iya semua ini salahku

Ya Allah, terlalu banyak kesalahanku
Ya Allah, aku hamba yg lemah, tidak ada yang aku terdaya melainkan harapan kepadaMu
Ya Allah, terimalah doaku, bantulah manusia-manusia yg memegang kalimahMu tanpa ragu
Ya Allah, selamatkanlah Palestin

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Final Battle


Fuh, 8 exams in 2 weeks, but today will be the final one, mechanism of disease, insyaAllah, keep fighting!

*22hb Aku akan kembali ke Malaysia :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Laa 'ilaa haillallah

Ya Allah, moga kebesaran kalimah Laa 'ilaa haillallah, masuk di dalam hati setiap umat islam di Malaysia dan seluruh dunia :)

"Anugerah paling bernilai yang kita ada adalah kalimah Laa 'ilaa haillallah, Jagalah kalimah ini dalam diri kita" - Pierre Andre."

*Aku x tengok anugerah skrin, tapi setelah mendengar sahabat2 ku menceritakan ape yg berlaku semasa ucapan Pierre Andre, aku terus mencari video ini, hebat betul Allah, hebat betul Allah.. Moga, kita semua kekal di dalam hidayahNya :')

Monday, October 15, 2012


The whole body is like a vibrator box, whenever a mother utters, her words will unconciously felt by the fetus growing in her womb. This vibration can be sensed by fetal sensory apparatus and is parallel with its dynamic pathway of neuronal developments (physiology lecturer) 

So, para ibu dan bakal ibu, banyak2 la membaca Alquran

ps:esok physio pract test..

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Studying camelid anatomy, remind me of these:

Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created?


And at the sky - how it is raised?


And at the mountains - how they are erected?


And at the earth - how it is spread out?


So remind, [O Muhammad]; you are only a reminder.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guess what?

Right equine kidney is perfectly heart shaped

ps: Picture is from google (not my lab, we are prohibited to take pictures from dissection lab)


Verily for the Righteous there will be a fulfilment of (the heart's) desires (78:31)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Soalan Cepumas

So as the lecturer continue talking about paraparesis clinical signs caused by meningitis cases in horses, then a student ask

student: how do you treat them?

Lecturer: Well, probably God that cured them, what vet really did actually, only gave them bunch of drugs, and then claim that we treated them

Everybody in the group laugh, and then he continues..

ps1: i have an anatomy pract test tomorrow..
ps2: I love horses
ps3: I have an anatomy pract test tomorrow..
ps4: cheers out mate :p

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ladang Kuda

Berhari hari aku pikir utk mencari ladang kuda untuk practical work aku
Sehinggalah satu hari, jemaah dari Malaysia smpai di marhalah ku, setelah berbual dgn mereka, rupa2nya salah seorng dari mereka merupakan seorng penuggang kuda. Dia aktif dalam perlumbaan kuda endurance di Malaysia
Dia janji utk mencari kan aku satu ladang kuda di Malaysia utk aku selesaikan practical work, dan juga berjanji utk mengajarku cara menuggang kuda ikut sunnah rasulullah saw... :)

Allah terima kasih :)

Satu masalah sudah selesai, sekarang fokus untuk final exam! :)

X sabar nak menunggang kuda.. hehe


By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath),


And strike sparks of fire,


And push home the charge in the morning,


And raise the dust in clouds the while,


And penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;-

Friday, February 24, 2012

Careful, its still fragile

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind - Caroline Myss

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Solat di Cape Reinga

Anas RadhiAllahu anhu narrates that RasuluLlah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said: The comfort and delight of my eyes has been placed in Salat.